Who is MinJun Kim

박테리아의 운동 성과 박테리아 세포막을 가로 지르는 수송 현상에 흥미를 느끼는 김 박사는 단일 분자 분석에서 나노 ‘로보틱스’ 에 이르는 다양한 분야에서 탁월한 기술을 개발을 이끌어갈 ‘생물학적 영감을받은 나노 스케일 공학’ 연구를 진행 하고 있습니다.

Professional Preparation

Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, Rowland Institute at Harvard, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, U.S.A.

Ph.D., Division of Engineering, Fluid, Thermal, Chemical Processes (FTCP), Brown University, Providence, RI, U.S.A.

M.S.M.E., Department of Mechanical Engineering, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, U.S.A.

B.S., Department of Mechanical Engineering, Yonsei University, Seoul, Republic of Korea.

Whimoon High School, Seoul, Republic of Korea.


Protégé, The Academy of Medicine, Engineering and Science of Texas (2019)

Best Paper Award, The 15th International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots (2018)

Professor With the Coolest Research, Lyle School of Engineering, Southern Methodist University (2018)

Gerald J. Ford Research Fellowship, Southern Methodist University (2018)

Sam Taylor Fellowship, The United Methodist General Board of Higher Education and Ministry (2018)

Senior Member, The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (2017)

Engineer of the Year Award, Korean-American Scientists and Engineers Association and Korean Federation of Science Science and Technology Societies (2016)

UNESCO-Netexplo Award, Global Observatory on Digital Society in partnership with the French Senate, the French Ministry for the Digital Economy, and UNESCO (2016)

Best Conference Paper Award, The 12th International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots and Ambient Intelligence (2015)

Brain Pool Fellowship, Korean Federation of Science Science and Technology Societies (2015)

MEM Outstanding Research Award, Drexel University (2014)

ISBE Fellow, International Society of Bionic Engineering (2014)

Best Paper Award Finalist, The IEEE International Conference on CYBER Technology in Automation, Control, and Intelligent Systems (2014)

ASME Fellow, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (2014)

Stein Fellowship, Louis and Bessie Stein Family Foundation (2014-2015)

Best Paper Award Finalist, The IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (2013)

Best Application Paper Award, The 10th International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots and Ambient Intelligence (2013)

Bionic Engineering Outstanding Contribution Award, International Society of Bionic Engineering (2013)

Brain Pool Fellowship, Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies (2013)

Gold Award, James F. Lincoln Arc Welding Foundation (2013)

Humboldt Fellowship, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (2012 – 2013)

ARO Young Investigator Award, U.S. Army Research Office (2010 – 2013)

Silver Award & Merit Award, James F. Lincoln Arc Welding Foundation (2010)

Best Paper Award, ASME IMECE: Fluid Engineering in Micro- and Nanosystems (2009)

HFSP Young Investigator Award, Human Frontier Science Program Office (2009 – 2012)

Drexel University Faculty Career Development Award, Drexel University (2008 – 2009)

NSF Fellowship, NSF Summer Institute on Nanomechanics, Nanomaterials and Micro/Nanomanufacturing (2008)

Stein Fellowship, Louis and Bessie Stein Family Foundation (2008 – 2009)

NSF Faculty Early CAREER Award, National Science Foundation (2008 – 2013)

Best of Program Award, James F. Lincoln Arc Welding Foundation (2007)

Simon Ostrach Fellowship in Fluid Mechanics, Brown University (2004 – 2005)

Finding Nano

The Biological Actuation, Sensing, & Transport Laboratory is an interdisciplinary experimental research group working on three core subject areas: small-scale robotics, transport phenomena, and single molecule biophysics. Our mission is to develop nanorobotics and nanopore technology that have the potential to drastically change the way we look at nanomedicine. We can apply our technologies towards targeted drug delivery, diagnosis of cancers and viruses, and next generation DNA sequencing.

Biological Actuation, Sensing 및 Transport Laboratory는 소규모 로봇 공학, 수송 현상 및 단일 분자 생물 물리학의 세 가지 핵심 주제 영역을 연구하는 학제 간 실험 연구 그룹입니다. 우리의 임무는 우리가 나노 의학을 보는 방식을 크게 바꿀 잠재력을 가진 나노 로보틱스와 나노 포어 기술을 개발하는 것입니다. 우리는 표적 약물 전달, 암 및 바이러스 진단, 차세대 DNA 시퀀싱에 우리의 기술을 적용 할 수 있습니다.

More Information or Contact

Website : www.bastlabs.org

Buying book : https://www.aladin.co.kr/shop/wproduct.aspx?ItemId=250952098

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