Cenforce 50 mg- Your way out of erectile dysfunction

2023-08-24 08:17
Cenforce 50mg is a supplement of sildenafil citrate, a PDE5 inhibitor. PDE-5 plays a role in the degradation of cGMP in response to s*xual stimulation. Sildenafil Citrate increases the amount of cGMP and thus increases blood flow to the p*nile area. The ability of the p*nis to maintain an erection is improved. Thus, the prolonged period of p*nile erection ultimately results in better s*xual performance and pleasurable s*xual experiences. Cenforce 50mg should only be taken after consulting a registered physician. It is necessary to follow the doctor's prescriptions. It is recommended to wait 30-60 minutes before deciding to take a break. Take just one tablet a day. Even if you miss a dose, don't take more than one tablet in a single day. Men usually use the drug. It is recommended to take it orally to stimulate s*xual activity. The dose may be increased if the desired effect is not achieved using the usual dose. Cenforce 50mg (Sildenafil Citrate) should not be used in patients with an existing cardiovascular condition. Patients who have suffered from heart attack, stroke or arrhythmia in the past 6-8 months should refrain from using Cenforce.

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