A happening that early night,

미국 수사관
2023-05-07 19:02
This is a conversation with another person at North 5th St, Philadelphia.

If you would like to verify with one as below, please go to stop by Police Department, Philadelphia.

In regard to a protection with a person name, I put A, and I deleted my name below as putting B.

Q, nice meeting with A,

Got you

Hi! A,

Please let me know if you are able to hear that Temple University has closed or be about to be closing soon.

As a another true fact and I would like to share with you: Two days ago, around evening time when you are heading to the hill before Route 1 from North 5th St, here, after passing by ‘modern sports t-shirt store’ and 200 feet away, there were a gun fire happened that mid evening.

I heard a Police Car has lost a shooter who drove to opposite to the north of 5th St. The shooter as a lady who shot to a passenger as Asian and Italian person. Thank god he has not been shot; but, heart felt down. He is OK that I heard. Those were two people (two young girls) who over-came from Japan as espionages.

I heard they as 44 Japan espionages just got death penalties from police officers. They are all together at certain area now.

These kind of happening came out more than 40 times at Philadelphia area so far (in recent). It be a cause of Barack Obama fumbled down and Japan has figured on squeeze in and battling with America under intelligence as World War 3 now. You know what USA got defects as I told you.

I hope Jamaican and/or Pakistan people must be very careful and Japan never give out more than a piece as a dollar sign (never exceed than $5.00 I heard). Here at Philadelphia, there is no Japanese community at all, and they were sneakily and were came here from Canada as smuggling now. They order them to do.

Anyway, if you hear that I have asked for, please let me know later. I may assist you with one favor that I can handle with your hardship.

Thank you very much.

미국 수사관 Posted.

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