President Biden says the US is prepared to respond to Russian cyberattacks

2022-02-24 14:48
The United States is prepared to respond to cyberattacks by Russia, said President Joe Biden, adding that for months the US has been working with the private sector to bolster its security.

“If Russia pursues cyberattacks against our companies, our critical infrastructure, we are prepared to respond,” Biden said during remarks from the White House. “For months, we've been working closely with the private sector to harden their cyber defenses [and to] sharpen our ability to respond [to] the Russian cyberattacks as well.”
“America stands up to bullies; we stand up for freedom," Biden said. "This is who we are."

US officials remain on high alert for any cyber activity against key domestic targets including banks and critical infrastructure, an official recently told CNN. US officials told businesses to watch for potential ransomware attacks following sanctions issued against Russia earlier this week.

On Wednesday, White House press secretary Jen Psaki said that the administration has not yet attributed cyberattacks on some Ukrainian government websites, but noted that the attack is “consistent with [the] type of activity Russia would carry out in a bid to destabilize Ukraine.”

Earlier Thursday, multiple Russian government websites appeared to go offline outside of Russia as the war in Ukraine continued to unfold — though the exact reasons for the outages were not immediately clear.

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