True Story, today.

미국 수사관
2023-11-26 14:39
At 12:33 Pm, Nov, 26, 2023 (EDT):

At Dunkin Donuts (North Philadelphia area),

Poll associate: ‘Hi! Please remember me I work at Poll.’,

Me: ‘You look different today! Now I see.’,

Poll associate: ‘How are you? You are here!’,

Me: ‘You are now... OK, I have a question. Have you heard Cherelle Parker be custody under DC, Justice team?’,

Poll associate: She be very to approach to me and interested in listening to my opinion, ‘Tell me what!?’,

Me: ‘You know new City Mayor, Cherelle Parker was caught and dead by DC, Justice team?’,

Poll associate: ‘You know and I heard that!’,

Me: ‘You may know, she (Cherelle Parker) was caught by receiving Stem Cell Heritage from Barack Obama.’,

Poll associate: ‘She did, and I know well.’,

Me: ‘You know 911 happening has tried to cover all, and Barack Obama behind his administration long ago set up Stem Cells as fund to cover all State and Fed with 911 happening because he (Barack Obama) caught Bin Laden and he needed to try to cover 911 also. So, she (Cherelle Parker) was supposed to receive its backbone of his Stem Cell.’,

Poll associate: ‘I know all, and she got in.’,

Me: ‘As you know that,... thru that backbone of Stem Cells (Fund), she (Cherelle Parker) be supposed to receive serious backbone tree of Stem Cell from Barack Obama.’,

Poll associate: ‘It is interesting: but, all are true’,

Me: ‘Thank God, you know that ‘,

Poll associate: ‘I heard Fed got into her office.’,

Me: ‘They are DC Justice team, they invaded her and got custody (of her). Even Austria and Netherland Feds came over DC, and they do investigate. She was already dead. All Society Security departments and Tax departments be already ’under siege’ to investigate more than (at least) 20 million US residents as being part of Stem Cell Government, itself’.

Poll associate: ‘Really, it may be.‘,

Me: ‘It is done so! They be waiting.’

Poll associate: ‘Then, why they don’t do (now).’,

Me: ‘They have all details and listed up done so, and need to address all at once.’,
under my thought as trying to comment: but, did not: ‘Even South Korea’s team be here to investigate then’.

Poll associate: ‘I got to go.’,

Me: ‘Talk to you later, and see you!’,

Our explanation: ‘Rumor and gossip be true. Vote associates and poll associates have known this kind at least. People got scared to let them know, and many of them tried to follow country’s idol issue. Austria Fed, Netherlands Fed, and official South Korea Government (They deny that Suk Yeol Yoon, and South Korea Justice Department justified already illegal President, Suk Yeol Yoon) are here to investigate all. People as you be cautious of serious attack from Alien then: for example, Cherelle Parker could be appearing again with her image as same as Cherelle Parker’s even after she got death. This is another serious issue of its behind. USA, and many of Global parties be fighting to aliens. Human bodies acquired by aliens as clones and they do all media show in global with same Politicians. USA and old Fed, and many current other countries fed be fighting to aliens attack now. If you can’t trust this, please call Department of State and Department of Justice to claim. It is officially more than to know since starting at Donald Trump’s administration.

Thank you very much.

DC, Department of Justice.
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