구인 (Bethel, PA) Korean Bilingual Logistics WAREHOUSE SUPERVISOR

2020-04-15 03:08
We are currently looking to fill the position of Warehouse Supervisor to handle daily operations of the warehouse, including crew management, oversee daily operations, create reports, handling issues and demand by the Clients. The successful applicant will maintain high levels of accuracy in day-to-day operations, lead and develop the warehouse team and provide impeccable customer service to our Clients.

Responsibilities and Duties

Supervise warehouse employees and oversee daily operations
Enforce all company rules and regulations
Ensure a high degree of detail and focus on every job
Communicate with staffs to ensure efficient work performances
Manage client’s service requests promptly and resolve issues quickly
Communicate and collaborate with other team members
Train, guide and evaluate new warehouse workers
Make suggestions for productivity improvements
Optimize employee workflow
Manage staffs’ labor hours and overtimes
Create weekly timesheets for staffs
Submit daily / weekly reports to the HQ

Qualifications and Skills

2+ years’ experience in a supervisory role
Proven knowledge of warehouse policies and procedures
Excellent problem-solving skills
Impeccable written and verbal communication skills
Able to work with all levels of staff
Able to work well on a team
Safety-conscious with an extreme respect for established safety guidelines
Must have proficient skills in MS Excel / Outlook / Word / PPT
Must communicate / read / write in both Korean and English
AA / BA degree
Relevant/Related Work Experience can be substituted for Degrees

Please send E-mail with your resume


Thank you!
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