Robert, Gemma Riccardi unaccounted for after overnight fire at Morristown mansion, prosecutor says

2022-08-05 13:15
Two people are unaccounted for after a fire tore through a mansion overnight in Morristown, New Jersey.

The Morris County Prosecutor's Office identified them as 87-year-old Robert Riccardi and 85-year-old Gemma Riccardi.

"Two elderly persons, they still have not been located. We're in the process now, it's going to take quite a bit of time of investigation," Morris County Prosecutor Robert Carrol told reporters. "We're looking also for the cause and origin, and we'll have more information as we develop it."

As CBS2's Natalie Duddridge reported, police kept people far back from the property on Normandy Heights Road and Ellyn Court. The sheriff's office was on the scene, along with a rescue and recovery unit.

Chopper 2 flew over what appeared to be a very large gated home that had been demolished by the blaze. It looked like one area of the roof collapsed.

Duddridge spoke with neighbors who said they saw the flames start around 3 a.m., and it looked like firefighters were still putting out hotspots at 6 a.m. Another resident nearby said embers fell onto his porch, and firefighters told him to spray his house with water just in case.

So far, there's no word on what caused the fire. Normandy Heights Road is closed as the investigation continues.

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