Family of student shot in Oxford High School attack files lawsuit against school district and employees

2021-12-09 14:10
The family of a student who was shot during the Oxford High School shooting last week filed a lawsuit on Thursday against the school district, officials and employees that argues they "willfully misrepresented the dangers" of a potential shooting and acted recklessly.

The lawsuit was filed by Jeffrey Franz and Brandi Franz, the parents of students Riley Franz, who was shot and wounded in the neck, and Bella Franz. The suit seeks damages in excess of $100,000,000 and requests a jury trial.

CNN is going through the lawsuit and reaching out to those named as defendants.

Four students were killed and seven other people were injured in the shooting at Michigan's Oxford High School on November 30. The suspected gunman, Ethan Crumbley, 15, has been charged as an adult with terrorism causing death and four counts of first-degree murder, and his lawyer entered a not guilty plea on his behalf.

His parents, James and Jennifer Crumbley, pleaded not guilty to involuntary manslaughter charges on Saturday. Prosecutors say they bought their son a firearm days before the shooting and gave him free access to the weapon, but a defense attorney rejected that assertion at the arraignment.

Prior to the shooting, two teachers reported concerning behavior from Crumbley, including one incident just hours before the killings.

Superintendent of the Oxford Community Schools school district Tim Throne recorded a video statement to the school community last Thursday, in which he said no discipline was warranted against Crumbley.

"I want you to know that, you know, there's just a lot, there's been a lot of talk about the student that was apprehended. That he was, you know, called up to the office and all that kind of stuff. No discipline was warranted. There are no discipline records at the high school," he said. "Yes, this student did have contact with our front office. And yes, his parents were on campus November 30th. Again, I will take any and all questions at a later time. But that's not now. And this is as much information as we can give you today."

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